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Use *ngIf to filter tree nodes in clarity recursive tree

I have a recursive clarity tree

      *clrRecursiveFor="let type of displayedTypes; getChildren: getTypeChildren" 

But I want to filter some tree nodes. In a simple case I would use *ngIf directive. But I already have another directive *clrRecursiveFor here. So I try to wrap it into ng-container.

    <ng-container  *clrRecursiveFor="let type of displayedTypes; getChildren: getTypeChildren" > 
      <clr-tree-node *ngIf="isVisible(type)"...>

You can see some examples here in app.component.html

But in this case nothing is shown even if isVisible always returns true. How can I use *ngIf directive here to filter tree nodes?


  • It's impossible now. It's better to filter array in a component.