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When using amplify, where is my Cognito User Pool?

I'm setting up my first amplify project for a JS app, working through the getting started documentation here. After running amplify add auth and configuring a new cognito user pool, with no problems, and running amplify push with no problems. I cannot find the new cognito pool anywhere in the AWS console. I've looked through every region, and I've tried logging in to the console as my amplify IAM user, and I see nothing – both in the cognito section or cloudformation section.

So... where is it? Has it not been created yet? Do amplifty user pools not appear in the console?


  • Bob,

    Kindly check your Amplify logs to see what has really happened. If configuration and provisioning are successful, Amplify will write the configurations in aws-exports.js. if you cannot find the file, simply fire > grep "userPoolId:" . -r
