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How to update Reactjs based PWA to the new version?

I'm developing a reactjs based application. I also made service-worker settings on it. After add to home screen , application never checks the server for new updates.

I also tried:


But it doesn't update new version.

I'm using Apache server to serve build folder and for update I'm getting a new build of my project and serve that on Apache server.


  • I finally resolved my problem after two days. The problem was in service-worker file. I had to add event listener if page reloaded and server files had changes so it will update the files.

    So I added this section to serviceWorker.js in register function:

    window.addEventListener('activate', function(event) {
              caches.keys().then(function(cacheNames) {
                  return Promise.all(
                      cacheNames.filter(function(cacheName) {
                          // Return true if you want to remove this cache,
                          // but remember that caches are shared across
                          // the whole origin
                      }).map(function(cacheName) {
                          return caches.delete(cacheName);

    Just don't forget. This listener call when page is reload. So I make API service to check there is new version or not. if there is new version , It have to reload the page to get new files.

    this question was so helpful: How to clear cache of service worker?

    Update (December.1.2019):

    I found better way to update new PWA. Actually that way (above) not work on iOS 13. So I decide check update by API. PWA Send current version to API and if there is new version released , in PWA we should delete all caches:

    caches.keys().then(function(names) {
        for (let name of names)

    And after that reload application:

    window.location.href = "./";

    After reload because there is no cache to load pages on offline mode, so PWA will check server and get new version.