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How to go back to previous opened file in Goland?

How to go back to previous opened file after clicking a function which leads to another file in JetBrains Goland?

The combinations ctrl + alt + left arrow key is not working for me.


  • There are a few different ways you can achieve this, depending on your needs:

    • you can use the Switcher feature to quickly navigate between files, by pressing Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + Tab (on all platforms)
    • you can use the Recent Files feature that works via Ctrl + E on Windows/Linux and ⌘ + E on macOS
    • you can use the Recent Locations feature via Ctrl + Shift + E on Windows/Linux and ⌘ + Shift + E on macOS
    • you can use the browser like shortcuts for back and forth. For back they are: Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow on Windows/Linux and ⌘ + [ or ⌘ + Alt + Left Arrow on macOS. For forward they are: Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow on Windows/Linux and ⌘ + ] or ⌘ + Alt + Right Arrow on macOS

    If Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Arrow doesn't work for you, you can go to Settings/Preferences | Keymap and search for the Back action (under navigate). This should show you the keybinding for it. You can also try and find the action associated via shortcut using the magnifying glass next to the search box and pressing that shortcut. Make sure that your operating system/another application does not interfere with your keyboard shortcuts.

    If you still have issues with this, it's best to open a support ticket on the official tracker at and attach the IDE logs via Help | Compress Logs and Show in....