Does a link to a facebook profile picture stay up to date or should I store images in storage?
I am using firebase and facebook authentication and grabbing a users profile picture link like this when they FIRST create an account:
const photoLarge = await getFacebookUserInfo().then((userResponse) => {
}).catch((error) => {
return error
const userId = await firebaseService.auth().currentUser.uid;
For some reason I noticed in dev vs prod I have 2 different links with the dev not working.
Dev doesn't work:
Prod Does:
I am trying to figure out if the facebook picture should be downloaded and stored in storage and then referenced instead and if so how to go about doing that? (/ is there a expiration date on a link)
I haven't seen if this is happening or not for Google Sign-in.
Here is my graph request:
//graph QL request to get larger facebook profile
export const getFacebookUserInfo = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const infoRequest = new GraphRequest(
parameters: {
fields: {
string: 'email,about,name,picture.type(large)'
(error, data) => {
if (error) {
} else {
new GraphRequestManager().addRequest(infoRequest).start();
So somehow I finally figured this out today. Essentially the graphAPI spits back several pieces with one being a picture piece. This looks like the links I posted above
THIS CHANGES!!! Not sure how often, but do NOT use this as eventually it will be a dead link.
However, what I missed was that you can use the ID that the graphAPI spits back instead and use the following link:{your_id_goes_here}/picture?type=large&redirect=true&width=500&height=500
More information can be found in this other post: