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Is it legal to use an operator in a fold expression that was introduced by a using declaration?

I was experimenting with using arbitrary functions in fold expressions, when I found the following code that compiles with gcc but does not compile with clang.

enum Enum {
    A = 3,
    B = 8,
    C = 5

namespace EnumMax {
    constexpr Enum operator>>=(const Enum left, const Enum right) {
        return left < right ? right : left;

template<Enum ... enums>
constexpr Enum max() {
    using EnumMax::operator>>=;
    return (enums >>= ...);

constexpr Enum max_v = max<A, B, C>();

It seems that clang does not consider the overloaded operator, but attempts to use the regular >>= operator in the fold expression.

However, if instead the fold expression is spelled out, clang does consider the overloaded operator and will compile just fine:

constexpr Enum maxExplicit() {
    using EnumMax::operator>>=;
    return (A >>= (B >>= C));

Is this a clang bug? Or is the spelled out equivalent of a fold expression not exactly equivalent?


  • Per [expr.prim.fold]/fold-operator:

    fold-operator: one of

    +   -   *   /   %   ^   &   |   <<   >> 
    +=  -=  *=  /=  %=  ^=  &=  |=  <<=  >>=  =
    ==  !=  <   >   <=  >=  &&  ||  ,    .*   ->*

    So >>= is a fold-operator.

    Per [expr.prim.fold]/2:

    An expression of the form (... op e) where op is a fold-operator is called a unary left fold. An expression of the form (e op ...) where op is a fold-operator is called a unary right fold. Unary left folds and unary right folds are collectively called unary folds. In a unary fold, the cast-expression shall contain an unexpanded pack ([temp.variadic]).

    So (enums >>= ...) is a unary right fold.

    Per [temp.variadic]/10:

    The instantiation of a fold-expression produces:

    • [...]

    • E1 op (⋯ op (EN−1 op EN)) for a unary right fold,

    • [...]

    In each case, op is the fold-operator, N is the number of elements in the pack expansion parameters, and each Ei is generated by instantiating the pattern and replacing each pack expansion parameter with its ith element. [...]

    Therefore, (enums >>= ...) is semantically equivalent to (A >>= (B >>= C)) when you instantiate it. So this is a bug in Clang.