I'm trying to plot the general tangent function onto matplotlib in Python but it is coming out incorrectly.
The function I'm trying to plot is: $$ f(x) = A tan( \frac{2\pi}{\lambda} x - \phi ) $$
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tkinter
f = lambda x, A, lambda_, phi: A * math.sin( ((2 * math.pi) / lambda_) * x - phi)
g = lambda x, A, lambda_, phi: A * math.cos( ((2 * math.pi) / lambda_) * x - phi)
h = lambda x, A, lambda_, phi: f(x, A, lambda_, phi) / g(x, A, lambda_, phi)
def generate_graph(A, lambda_, Phi):
x = np.arange(-.95, .95, 0.005)
#plt.plot(x, [f(k, A, lambda_, Phi) for k in x], color='red')
#plt.plot(x, [g(k, A, lambda_, Phi) for k in x], color='blue')
plt.plt(x, [h(k, A, lambda_, Phi) for k in x], color='green')
A = 1 #amplitude
lambda_ = 3 #wavelength
Phi = 0 #phase shift
generate_graph(A, lambda_, Phi)
It's supposed to look like this:
But it ends up looking like this:
This happens due to singularities of the tangent function (i.e., having x
values around those points). A quick fix would be to restrict the y-axis with, e.g.,
plt.ylim(-40, 40)