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How to fix " AttributeError: 'DistributeHandler' object has no attribute 'group' "?

I followed a video by Mr Bruno Rocha here to implement simple websocket, but When i run the app I get the following exception:

AttributeError: 'DistributeHandler' object has no attribute 'group'

The controller is very simple:

def index():
    form = SQLFORM(Post, formstyle='divs')
    if form.process().accepted:
        websocket_send('', 'hello', 'mykey', 'mygroup')
    messages = db(Post).select(orderby=~Post.created_on)
    return dict(form=form, messages=messages)

In the view I do the Following to get the message:

   if(!$.web2py.web2py_websocket('ws://', function(e){alert(}))

     alert("html5 websocket not supported by your browser, try Google Chrome");

When the user send a message the message arrives to the server (e.g I can see it) but when I reload the page the following exceptions occur, error log , looks like the problem happens when the server send the received message to the group, Any help please??


  • it turns out the problem happens because of the version 3.2.1 of tornado framework but when i updated to the latest version which is 6.0.3, it works like a charm..