I'm getting bounce when I send an email to a specific address using SES, from gmail the mail is delivered correctly
For Transient -> General AWS says The recipient's email provider sent a general bounce message. You might be able to send a message to the same recipient in the future if the issue that caused the message to bounce is resolved.
How can I fix the issue if I do not know the problem?
"diagnosticCode":"smtp; 535 5.7.8 Error: blocked by Block Address check from"
"reportingMTA":"dsn; a8-90.smtp-out.amazonses.com"
Not much you can do, seems like the recipient side is checking IP reputation and found that SES IP (sending IP) is in the blacklist, it also sent you a bounce back with custom message "smtp; 535 5.7.8 Error: blocked by Block Address check from".
Seems like they're using SORBS SPAM .
Couple of things you can try:
Remove the IP from SORBS by yourself (it may get added again)
Contact AWS to contact them to remove it from Blacklist.
Try dedicated IP pool.