I have an Angular 7 project that is currently and has lots of components that talk to an API and updates data from it. The is constantly refreshed using setTimeout so it's getting very busy with all the components refreshing data from the API.
I am therefore thinking of adding ngrx/Store to the project.
Is ngrx/Store a solution for this kind of issue or should I look for other solutions?
To make it's easy for you. I would say yes because ngrx provide API to break the application into smaller peice.
If you have multiple feature you will have 1 main store and for every feature you will have feature store connect to main store. So you can easy manage everything into feature seperation concern.
Another thing is ngrx provide effect middleware allow user to working with side effect like API call so you will have completely seprate code when working with API
I would recommend you read there small demo here for every feature they create effects, actions, reducers, selector, services.