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Direnv not loading environment when shell starts in a directory with .envrc

Imagine I am in a shell with the working directory set to a directory that contains an .envrc file. When I now open up a new tab in my terminal emulator, a new shell is launched into the same working directory as the original shell.

For some reason, the .envrc file is not loaded in this new shell. If manually exit the working directory and enter it again, the environment variables are then loaded.

Is there a way to make the variables load automatically when the shell is created?

I am running MacOS Mojave (10.14.4) with direnv 2.20.1, using bash as my shell. I am loading the direnv hooks through my .bashrc.


  • Under macOS Mojave (and probably older versions), saving a .bashrc has no effect. Instead, use a .bash_profile.