I'm using RadCalendar in my NativeScript Project, the problem is I want to add custom styling on specific day cell from a cellTap Event.
So I started with listening to the Event
<RadCalendar (cellTap)="onCellTap($event)"></RadCalendar>
in my component.ts file:
onCellTap(args: CalendarCellTapEventData) {
// here, it return the whole RadCalendar Object
// and in the line below it returns the native cell Element
I tried to change directly the CSS properties like this:
args.object.style.backgroundColor = new Color('#ff0000')
but it doesn't work.
Is there a way to perform the required behaviour ?
I don't think adjusting cell style upon tap is supported but it should be possible. To adjust background color of cell,
import { CalendarCellTapEventData } from "nativescript-ui-calendar";
import { Color } from "tns-core-modules/color";
onCellTap(event: CalendarCellTapEventData) {
const color = new Color('#ff0000');
if (color.android) {
// https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/android/AndroidControlsDoc/com/telerik/widget/calendar/CalendarDayCell.html
} else {
// https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/ios/api/Classes/TKCalendarDayCell.html
event.cell.style().backgroundColor = color.ios;