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How do i can read all the files from aws s3 directory in a single poll using apache-camel

Im trying to achieve :

  1. Read all the files from the s3 directory.
  2. copy all the files to backup directory on s3.
  3. aggregate all the file contents to a single file and copy it to the another directory on s3.

But Im stuck on the first point to read all the files in a single poll.

my from router : aws-s3://${}?amazonS3Client=#s3Client&prefix=some_path_on_s3&deleteAfterRead=true&delay=100s

for example if, some_path_on_s3 -> has 2 files say first.txt and 

according to camel documentation, it has to read both the files in a 
single poll, but is reading 1 file per poll.

I also tried with parameter,  maxMessagesPerPoll=2 but no luck. It 
still reads one file per poll.

Is there a way to fetch all the files from s3 directory in a single poll ?


  • Truth is it sends one file at a time to the route, but it acknowledges the whole batch per poll.

    maxMessagesPerPoll only creates a limit on the number of files read per batch. I think the information you are looking for is on the camel batch headers on every exchange:

    CamelBatchComplete: A boolean indicating the last Exchange in the batch. Is only true for the last entry.

    CamelBatchIndex: The current index of the batch. Starts from 0.

    CamelBatchSize: The total number of Exchanges that was polled in this batch.

    With this info you can multicast the message , then implement an aggregator to join the files on one route, once CamelBatchComplete=true, and backup the files on another.

    Find more info here:

    Batch consumer
