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Get result from function in batches

I have a function that gets x numbers og items from a SharePoint list. It takes the items in batches. After each batch I do something with the items, destroys everything and take the next batch for calculation. I currently consider to use events. So have an event for each batch. Is this the correct strategy or is there a better way to do it? I am thinking anonymous functions or something similar?

    public static List<Item> GetAllItems(this List list, int rowLimit, List<string> fields, bool includeRoleAssignments, ILogger logger)
        var result = new List<Item>();
        var ctx = list.Context;

        ListItemCollectionPosition position = null;
        var camlQuery = new CamlQuery();
        camlQuery.ViewXml =
        @"<View Scope='RecursiveAll'>
                <OrderBy Override='TRUE'><FieldRef Name='ID'/></OrderBy>
            <ViewFields></ViewFields>" +
            "<RowLimit Paged='TRUE'>" + rowLimit + "</RowLimit>" +

        System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

                using (var clonedCtx = ctx.Clone(ctx.Url))
                    List listWithClonedContext = clonedCtx.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(list.Title);

                    ListItemCollection listItems = null;
                    camlQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = position;
                    listItems = listWithClonedContext.GetItems(camlQuery);

                    foreach (string field in fields)
                        clonedCtx.Load(listItems, includes => includes.Include(i => i[field]));

                    if (!includeRoleAssignments) { 
                        clonedCtx.Load(listItems, item => item.ListItemCollectionPosition);
                    else { 
                        clonedCtx.Load(listItems, item =>
                        item => item.Include(                       
                            i => i.RoleAssignments.Include(
                                ra => ra.Member,
                                ra => ra.Member.LoginName,
                                ra => ra.RoleDefinitionBindings.Include(rd => rd.Description, rd => rd.Name))));

                    clonedCtx.Load(listItems, item => item.ListItemCollectionPosition);
                    clonedCtx.ExecuteQueryWithIncrementalRetry(3, 1, logger);

                    // here i want to do something with items before next loop/batch

                    position = listItems.ListItemCollectionPosition;

                    if (position != null)
                        logger.WriteTrace(string.Format("Iteration on getting items performed: {0}", position.PagingInfo), SeverityLevel.Verbose);
                        logger.WriteTrace("Getting all items finished.", SeverityLevel.Verbose);
            catch (Exception ex)
        while (position != null);
        return result;


  • Maybe events are an option but there might also be an easier way to "stream" them out instead of returning all at once with a list. Therefore use yield and change to IEnumerable<Item>:

    public static IEnumerable<Item> EnumerateItems(this List list, int rowLimit, List<string> fields, bool includeRoleAssignments, ILogger logger)
        // ...
                using (var clonedCtx = ctx.Clone(ctx.Url))
                    camlQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = position;
                    listItems = listWithClonedContext.GetItems(camlQuery);
                    // ...
                    foreach(Item x in listItems)
                        yield return x;
                    position = listItems.ListItemCollectionPosition;
                    // ...
        while (position != null);

    On this way you can start processing them while you are still fetching them or you could filter them, for example with Where,Skip or Take without loading all into memory first.