I have simple method which calculates a given calculation from a list. I would like to write some tests for this method.
I am using NUnit. I am using TestCaseSource because i am trying to give a list as parameter. I have the solution from this question. My tests looks like this:
public class CalcViewModelTests : CalcViewModel
private static readonly object[] _data =
new object[] { new List<string> { "3", "+", "3" } },
new object[] { new List<string> { "5", "+", "10" } }
[Test, TestCaseSource(nameof(_data))]
public void Test(List<string> calculation)
var result = SolveCalculation(calculation);
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("6"));
I would like to test multiple calculations like with testCases.
TestCases have the Result parameter. How could I add a Result to TestCaseSource so i can test multiple calculations?
Looks like this should work:
private static readonly object[] _data =
new object[] { new List<string> { "3", "+", "3" }, "6" },
new object[] { new List<string> { "5", "+", "10" }, "15" }
[Test, TestCaseSource(nameof(_data))]
public void Test(List<string> calculation, string expectedResult)
var result = SolveCalculation(calculation);
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expectedResult));