I'm working on a project which need these deep learning libraries - keras and tensorflow. Unfortunately, these do not work with Python 3.7. Can someone please tell me a Miniconda version (for Windows 64-bit) which has Python 3.6? I've tried creating virtual environment with Python 3.6, but the libraries don't install properly. Any help will be appreciated! Thanks!
I wanted to find the last package in the 3.6 series, so I found the announcement of the python 3.7 package build (September 4, 2018) and then looked that package up by date in https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/ (Miniconda3-4.5.11), then traced it back one release. The end result:
Miniconda3-4.5.4 was the last Python 3.6 miniconda package.
Miniconda3-4.5.11 is the first that uses 3.7.
There are no releases 4.5.5->4.5.10 in that repository.