I have a simple landing page on an ASP.NET web app that is supposed to allow the user to email a support center by clicking a link.
Currently, I have two issues: one, the typical "mailto:address" functionality is not working at all. And two, I've been asked to replace the hard-coded address on the page with a reference to an address that's set in web.config (as we expect the address to change soon).
I have tried the following code in the .aspx file, which results in nothing when the link is clicked:
<a href="mailto:support@myorg.org">System Support</a>
As for setting the email in the web.config file, I'm not sure what setting can be used to do that at all.
So, expected result: clicking the link opens a new email to our org's support address, which is specified not on the page but as a reference to a system variable (I was told it should be on web.config...).
Actual result: nothing happens at all.
I'm pretty new to this, so any help at all is appreciated. Cheers
IF the link is not working, that is most likely not related to asp.net but to your mail software. Can you click other mailto:
For the latter, you can add arbitrary settings to the web config and it will roughly look like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="SupportLink" value="mailto:support@myorg.org" />
var supportAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SupportLink"];
...and then ofc you have to use it. I suggest reading a few asp.net tutorials