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Storybook Set Component into the center of the page

I'm introducing storybooks into our react components. When I start adding examples:

enter image description here

The components themselves are added to the top left corner. In this example:

We can wee that the components themselves are flushed in the middle of the page.

How do I do that?


  • You can use Storybook addon called "@storybook/addon-centered". This can be found here:

    Alternatively, you can also provide style parameters with each story to style a particular template. Here is a quick example of that:

    .add('Your sample story', () => ({
          template: `<sample-component class="sample-component-class"><sample-component>`,
          styles: ['.sample-component-class {display: flex; justify-content: center}'],
          props: {

    Hope this helps.