I have a table in sql server like below:
Name Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
A din gla gif cla
B gla cla gif din
C din gif cla null --gla is missing
D null cla gla null --din and gif is missing
It is only important if a "name" has a label in any of its columns or not. What I need is to return a result set in a way that each column represents a defined value, like below:
Name Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
A din gla gif cla
B din gla gif cla
C din null gif cla
D null gla null cla
I have managed it with a query like:
select name,
col1 = case when col1='din' or col2='din' or col3='din' or col4='din' then 'din' else null end,
from table
However, in original there are many columns, not only 4, and this way does not seem like the best to me. I wonder if you can recommend better approaches. Any advise would be appreciated.
Your method is fine. An alternative method would use apply
select t.name, v.*
from t cross apply
(select max(case when col = 'din' then 'din' end) as din,
max(case when col = 'gla' then 'gla' end) as gla,
. . .
from (values (col1), (col2), (col3), (col4)) v(col
) v;