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Google Speech to Text api client return without exception but no actual results

I am using sample code from googles site and this throws no exceptions but returns no results.

If I use the API explorer the same data works just fine. I have tried different files (all from google sample code) different settings. All of which give me the same result, Nothing.

function transcribe_sync($content)
    // set string as audio content
    $audio = (new RecognitionAudio())
    // set config
    $encoding = AudioEncoding::LINEAR16;
    $sampleRateHertz = 32000;
    $languageCode = 'en-US';
    $config = (new RecognitionConfig())

    // create the speech client
    $client = new SpeechClient();
    try {
        $response = $client->recognize($config, $audio);
        echo $response->getResults()
    catch (\Exception $e) {

        $this->handleError('Error determining recognition. ' . $e->getMessage());
    finally {


  • My resolution to this issues was the way I was passing the file (don't think the file was being populated correctly or at all). It was weird that I did not get an error. Because of the length of my audio files, I ended up integrating google storage to upload the file () and used:

    $audio = (new RecognitionAudio())->setUri("gs://...");
    ... longRunningRecognize($config, $audio);

    Hope this helps someone.