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How to make first three elements in a list as columns and the rest as rows - Python

df = pd.DataFrame({'Categotry':['Food','Animal'],

I have above dataframe and I want to split the Detail column as below: enter image description here

How can I do that in Python?

Thanks for the help.


  • Custom Function

    def process_details(details):
        cols, *data = np.reshape(details, (-1, 3))
        return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=cols)

    I use np.reshape because I'm used to it. However, this can accomplish the same thing.

    def process_details(details):
        cols, *data = zip(*[iter(details)] * 3)
        return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=cols)

    Side by Side

    Because the column names don't match up

        cat: process_details(details)
        for cat, details in zip(*map(df.get, df))
    }, sort=False, axis=1)
       Animal                        Food              
         Name Predator?    Habitat   Name  Color Sweet?
    0  Tigers       Yes    Forests  Bread  Brown     No
    1   Lions       Yes    Savanna   Rice  White     No
    2   Deers        No  Hardwoods  Sushi    N/A     No

    But if you insist on stacking them

        cat: process_details(details)
        for cat, details in zip(*map(df.get, df))
    }, sort=False)
                Name Predator?    Habitat  Color Sweet?
    Animal 0  Tigers       Yes    Forests    NaN    NaN
           1   Lions       Yes    Savanna    NaN    NaN
           2   Deers        No  Hardwoods    NaN    NaN
    Food   0   Bread       NaN        NaN  Brown     No
           1    Rice       NaN        NaN  White     No
           2   Sushi       NaN        NaN    N/A     No