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kafka-console-producer with kerberos throws security-protocol is not a recognized option

I have enabled Kerberos from Ambari v2.7.3 and HDP v3.1.0 to all Hadoop services. I have verified HBase authentication using NIFI. I need to test Kafka as well. In Kafka console, I am able to create a topic. But while producing and consuming I am facing an error like below.

security-protocol is not a recognized option

Below is the Kafka producer command I have tried

/usr/hdp/ --broker-list HOSTNAME:6667 --topic test_new_topic --security-protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT


  • My advise would be to add all the properties under a single file (e.g. with the following content:


    and finally use –-producer.config to pass the property file to the console producer:

    /usr/hdp/ –-broker-list HOSTNAME:6667 –-topic test_new_topic –-producer.config

    If you don't want to use a property file, you can use --producer-property to pass the security.protocol configuration:

    /usr/hdp/ --broker-list HOSTNAME:6667 --topic test_new_topic  --producer-property security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT