I'm writing macro that will make BOM list from the selected parts in assembly.
I can get a "Part Number" of the part in assembly, I can't get a "Instance name" of the selected parts.
Here code that call Selection tab and then try to get a names.
Set ItemSelection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
InputObjectType(0) = "Part"
SelectionStatus = ItemSelection.SelectElement3(InputObjectType, "Choose parts", false, CATMultiSelTriggWhenUserValidatesSelection, true)
If SelectionStatus = "Cancel" Then
Exit Sub
End If
If ItemSelection.Count >= 1000 Then
MsgBox "You select more then 1000 parts.", vbExclamation, MsgTextBox & "."
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 1 To ItemSelection.Count
k = k + 1
BOMTable(1,k) = ItemSelection.Item(i).PartNumber
BOMTable(2,k) = ItemSelection.Item(i).Value.Name
MsgBox BOMTable(1,k)
What I do wrong?
You need to select Products if you want instance-ness. So...
InputObjectType(0) = "Product"
sInstanceName = ItemSelection.Item(i).Value.Name
What happens when someone selects an Assembly/Sub-Assembly? Nothing different because Sub-Assemblies have instance names too.
However, if you want to include ONLY actual CATParts, then you have to filter value post-selection something like...
Dim oInstProd as product
set oInstProd = ItemSelection.Item(i).Value
if TypeName(oInstProd.ReferenceProduct.Parent) = "PartDocument" Then
.... do stuff with only parts...
end If
The ReferenceProduct property will give you trouble if you use cache mode (it will throw an error). But their is a workaround for that if you need it.