I have a vector which contains the time of nearest half an hour
x <- c(30,200,2200,2300)
I need to convert this into
output <- c(00:30,02:00,22:00,23:00).
I am not able to convert the values which are less than 4 digits.
Please suggest. strptime()
, as.Date()
throws NA
for the first element.
I tried with the below Code and it did not work. Please suggest
x <- c(30,200,2200,2300)
output <- format(strptime(x,"%H%M"),"%H:%M")
#[1] NA "20:00" "22:00" "23:00"
Yet another way using formatC
x <- c(30, 200, 2200, 2300)
formatC(x, width = 4, flag = "0", big.mark = ":", big.interval = 2)
#[1] "00:30" "02:00" "22:00" "23:00"