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How can I strip down core-image-sato and remove selected apps/packages?

I want to build a stripped version of core-image-sato for Odroid-C2.
Currently, everything related to Openhanded Sato mobile environment gets into the image when I compile/build image using yocto.

I want to remove Leafpad, Shutdown, Media Player, Games/Puzzles etc but I want to keep the matchbox desktop. I don't want to remove entire desktop manager.

Can anyone please suggest a way how can I remove these apps?

I had a look at the following link: How to strip down my Yocto Linux?

But this is not what I want to achieve.


  • core-image-sato is an example, just write your own image recipe. The x11-sato image feature is what pulls in all of Sato. Remove that and add packagegroup-core-x11-sato-base to IMAGE_INSTALL to install just the desktop.