Search code examples

SQL count occurrence by column

After some research I haven't found what I need and I thought I'll ask here. I'm currently trying to develop a advanced search mode for a application and I'm stuck with my task. Maybe you can help me. So imagine I have the following table:

ID | Name    | Surname
1  | John    | Mim
2  | Johnny  | Crazy
3  | Mike    | Something
4  | Milk    | Milk
5  | Peter   | IDontknow
6  | Mitch   | SomeName

Then in my frontend, there's one input field. The input of that field will go trough the query in that way:

SELECT name, surname FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'input%' OR surname LIKE 'input%'

Now lets say my input is "Mi", so I'll have 3 columns match in the "name" column, and 2 in the surname. And that's what I'm looking for.

A count which ouputs the following:

Column  | Count
Name    | 3
Surname | 2

Is there a way to achieve this in only one query?

What I've tried so far:
I actually created the table above on my localhost in my database and tried different queries. Tried with SELECT count(name), count(surname), but that would output 3 for both counts. So I'm not even sure if that's possible in only one query.


  • use union all

    SELECT 'name' as col, count(name) as cnt FROM people WHERE name LIKE 'input%' 
    union all
    SELECT 'surname', count(surname) FROM people WHERE  surname LIKE 'input%'