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Getting Error in simulation "groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: ROUTING for class: org.arl.unet.sim.SimulationAgent"

I'm using node.startup ={} in the simulation script to generate static routes by sending routeDiscoveryNtf at each node. I've included all headers but still, ROUTING service isn't recognized.

Simulation script is as follows, startup functionality is same for all nodes

    //! Simulation: 5-node network
    import org.arl.fjage.*
    import org.arl.fjage.Agent.*
    import org.arl.fjage.RealTimePlatform
    import org.arl.unet.sim.*
    import org.arl.unet.sim.channels.*
    import org.arl.unet.phy.*
    import org.arl.unet.phy.Physical.*
    import org.arl.unet.*
    import org.arl.unet.DatagramReq
    import org.arl.unet.Services

    platform = RealTimePlatform
    channel.model = ProtocolChannelModel
    channel.soundSpeed = 1500.mps           // c
    channel.communicationRange = 100.m     // Rc
    channel.detectionRange = 100.m         // Rd
    channel.interferenceRange = 100.m      // Ri
    channel.pDetection = 1                  // pd
    channel.pDecoding = 1                   // pc

    simulate {
      def n1 = node '1', address: 1, location: [0.m, 0.m, 0.m], shell: true, stack:"$home/etc/initrc-stack"
    n1.startup = {
        def router = agentForService ROUTING
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:4,nextHop:1)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:2,nextHop:1)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:3,nextHop:1)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:5,nextHop:1)
     def n2 =node '2', address: 2, location: [70.m, 0.m, 0.m], shell:5102, stack: "$home/etc/initrc-stack"
  n2.startup = {
    def router = agentForService ROUTING
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:4,nextHop:2)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:1,nextHop:2)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:5,nextHop:2)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:3,nextHop:4)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:3,nextHop:1)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:1,nextHop:5)

  def n3 = node '3', address: 3, location: [-70.m, 0.m, 0.m], shell: 5103, stack:"$home/etc/initrc-stack"
  n3.startup = {
    def router = agentForService ROUTING
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:4,nextHop:3)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:1,nextHop:3)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:5,nextHop:3)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:2,nextHop:4)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:2,nextHop:1)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:2,nextHop:5)
  def n4 = node '4', address: 4, location: [0.m, 70.m, 0.m], shell: 5104, stack:"$home/etc/initrc-stack"
  n4.startup = {
    def router = agentForService ROUTING
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:1,nextHop:4)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:2,nextHop:4)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:3,nextHop:4)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:5,nextHop:1)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:5,nextHop:2)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to:5,nextHop:3)
  def n5 = node '5', address: 5, location: [0.m, -70.m, 0.m], shell: 5105, stack:"$home/etc/initrc-stack"
  n5.startup = {
    def router = agentForService ROUTING
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to: 1 , nextHop:5)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to: 3 , nextHop:5)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to: 2 , nextHop:5)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to: 4 , nextHop:1)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to: 4 , nextHop:2)
    router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to: 4 , nextHop:3)

Simulation Error is as follows:

SEVERE: <3> > Exception in agent: simulator
SEVERE: <4> > Exception in agent: simulator
SEVERE: <1> > Exception in agent: simulator
SEVERE: <5> > Exception in agent: simulator
SEVERE: <2> > Exception in agent: simulator

Though stack is being loaded on every node, Routes are not being created.

Log file stats are :

1562654374493|SEVERE|<1>@36:run|Exception in agent: simulator
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: ROUTING for class: org.arl.unet.sim.SimulationAgent
Stack trace: ...
org.arl.unet.sim.SimulationAgent.propertyMissing(initrc.groovy:216) ...
org.arl.unet.sim.SimulationAgent.getProperty(initrc.groovy) ...
ping-sim2$_run_closure1$_closure2.doCall(ping-sim2.groovy) ...
org.arl.unet.sim.SimulationAgent$1.methodMissing(initrc.groovy) ...
org.arl.unet.sim.SimulationAgent$1.action(initrc.groovy:172) ...


  • I believe ROUTING service's canonical name is org.arl.unet.Services.ROUTING. So you might have to use that string instead of just ROUTING

    def router = agentForService org.arl.unet.Services.ROUTING