I know there are some questions about difference between Open Source Software and Free Software, but I do not understand if Free Software means the same as Open Development Software.
While reading Adobe's documentation on Granite platform I've found next sentence (in bold):
Granite is a general purpose platform for building robust scalable applications; it supports "open architecture", which is based on both "open standards" (JCR and OSGi) and "open source" (Apache Sling and Apache Jackrabbit). ... Granite is open development, but not open source.
I do not understand last sentence. What means "open development"? It makes sense that it means that everyone can contribute to code, but is it then also an "open source" project?
In the Adobe AEM teams we work a lot on Apache projects. As we like the Apache way we tried to apply the same project management principles to our internal closed source projects.
The key principles are "power to those who do" and "community over code". The result is kind of a shared responsibility for the projects. Everyone can participate in development of all code bases. You start by reporting bugs and improvement requests but you can also provide the solution in form of pull requests. If you do good work you are usually also allowed to do commits yourself and drive the direction of the project.
At Adobe this development style works very well as people are used to the Apache way. If you want to apply this in other companies be careful. A big part of the success is to establish the culture which is not guaranteed to work and takes a lot of time and effort.