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Not able to start Eureka server

I have followed the instructions from:

With no success, not sure what can be missing.

I have some code demo at:

I was expecting to run: gradlew bootRun and be able to navigate into http://localhost:8761, but I am getting a

Whitelabel Error Page

This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Tue Jul 09 00:13:18 BST 2019 There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404). No message available

And when starting the server I am getting some connection refused. Can someone pinpoint what is missing?

I have tried the post from here without success: I got a "Whitelabel Error Page" when using Eureka server


  • Eureka server itself has no web pages except the dashboard page. Since your server starts successfully, I guess your problem is, why you can't access the dashboard page. Also after looking at your Github file, I would suggest below configs,

    After these configurations, you should able to access the dashboard via http://localhost:8761/dashboard url. Also, if your client services have configured correctly, you should see each of the connecting service in this dashboard.


    Although, eureka.dashboard.path=/dashboard and eureka.instance.hostname=localhost would not be mandatory, eureka.client.register-with-eureka=false is required. This property avoid Eureka server to register with itself as a client and make it act as a server. This eureka.client.fetch-registry=false property also required, if there are no other registry nodes available at the moment. It tells, Eureka server to don't search for other registry nodes.

    And, yes. If the eureka.dashboard.path=/dashboard not defined, dashboard would available at the root (http://localhost:8761/).