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Jetty: adding <resource-env-ref> programmatically

I have a standalone application with embedded Jetty and Wicket.
I'd like to use CDI for injection.

So I've found
and now I'm trying to add this programatically, but it's quite complex.

How do I code that?

Other sources I've found are:

So far I have:

  Server server = new Server( 8080 );
  Context ctx = new Context( server, "/", Context.NO_SECURITY | Context.SESSIONS );

  try {
     new ctx, "BeanManager", 
        new javax.naming.Reference(
           "org.jboss.weld.resources.ManagerObjectFactory", null )
  } catch ( NamingException ex ) {

  // Wicket.
  final ServletHolder wicketSH = new ServletHolder( new MyReloadingWicketServlet() );
  wicketSH.setInitParameter( "applicationClassName", WicketApplication.class.getName() );
  ctx.addServlet( wicketSH, "/*" );


  • Adding a resource-env-ref programmatically doesn't make sense. The point of JavaEE refs is to separate the developer from the deployer: the developer declares a reference, and the deployer binds the reference to a managed resource in the environment. If you don't have or need a deployer role, then you don't need a resource-env-ref either: simply look up the target object yourself (for CDI integration, I think that would be an @Produces method).