My question is regarding getting a context.connection ID value to insert into one of my methods when i'm unit testing my Signalr hubs in .Net CORE. My method looks like this in my test class:
public async Task TestWorkstationCreation()
Mock<IHubCallerClients<IWorkstation>> mockClients = new Mock<IHubCallerClients<IWorkstation>>();
Mock<IWorkstation> mockClientProxy = new Mock<IWorkstation>();
mockClients.Setup(clients => clients.All).Returns(mockClientProxy.Object);
_workstationHub.Clients = mockClients.Object;
await _workstationHub.RegisterWorkstation("WKS16", "Ready", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"OS", "Windows 10"}, {"Exam", "GRE, TOEFL"}});
mockClientProxy.Verify(c => c.WorkstationRegistered(It.IsAny<WorkstationDataModel>(), It.IsAny<string>()), Times.AtLeastOnce);
In my hub class, this is the method:
public async Task RegisterWorkstation(string id, string status, Dictionary<string, string> capabilities)
"Registering a Workstation with id: {id}, status: {status}, and capabilities: {capabilities}",
id, status, string.Join(",", capabilities));
var workstationAdded = AddWorkstation(id, status, capabilities, Context.ConnectionId);
var message = workstationAdded == null
? $"A workstation with the id: {id} already exists!"
: $"A workstation with the id: {id}, status: {status}, and capabilities: {string.Join(",", capabilities)} " +
"was added to the current list of workstations available.";
await Clients.All.WorkstationRegistered(workstationAdded, message);
When testing, it throws an Object reference not set null pointer exception at Context.ConnectionId. Is there someway to mock a Context.Connection Id that can be used?
I ultimately ended up doing this for the Unit Test and it worked
public async Task TestWorkstationCreation()
Mock<IHubCallerClients<IWorkstation>> mockClients = new Mock<IHubCallerClients<IWorkstation>>();
Mock<IWorkstation> mockClientProxy = new Mock<IWorkstation>();
Mock<HubCallerContext> mockClientContext = new Mock<HubCallerContext>();
mockClients.Setup(clients => clients.All).Returns(mockClientProxy.Object);
mockClientContext.Setup(c => c.ConnectionId).Returns(Guid.NewGuid().ToString);
_workstationHub.Clients = mockClients.Object;
_workstationHub.Context = mockClientContext.Object;
await _workstationHub.RegisterWorkstation("WKS16", "Ready", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"OS", "Windows 10"}, {"Exam", "GRE, TOEFL"}});
mockClientProxy.Verify(c => c.WorkstationRegistered(It.IsAny<WorkstationDataModel>(), It.IsAny<string>()), Times.AtLeastOnce);