First and foremost I am new to Android Development.
As we already know that everything that we see on the activity is a component and the source of that component is placed in the activity_main.xml file.
For example i have a TextView component:
So its xml source is here in activity_main.xml:
Ok everything is fine till here.
Now the confusion that i am facing is that there is an Tool Bar in my activity:
But there is no xml source for this Tool Bar in the acitvity_main.xml.
I wasted all my day to clear my concept but i am unable to do. There is also a file named styles.xml but it contains some kind of stuff in the image below:
Please can anyone tell from where this Tool Bar comes? I am beginner in Android Development. I will be glade to contributors to tell whats the scenario behind the scene in simple and accurate explanation?
As Gabe Sechan said it comes with theme and so there is no xml file where you can see its code , if you want to disappear it just write inside AppTheme style tag "Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar" instead of "Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" and run app you will see that action bar has gone. So its matter of theme