I'm looking for a way to show a git log, ordered by commits, showing their dates, and also, showing only commits which have tags.
Our webhost has an automated deploy system, and when a particular commit is pushed to production, it gets a certain tag on it. I am troubleshooting an issue, and I want to look at only those commits that have been on production.
I was able to make a git alias, which I call nanolog
, like this:
nanolog = log --date-order --date=format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' --format='%C(yellow)%cd%Creset %h \"%s\" %Cred%cn %Cgreen(%cr)'
which gives me a log looking like this:
2019-06-17 23:39:43 13f7e5f89 "Merge branch 'live-config' into int" Webhost (3 weeks ago)
2019-06-17 23:24:20 32b6141dc "Merge branch 'live-config' into int" User Name (3 weeks ago)
I've looked at the documentation for git log
, and in the section about --format
, which is what I used to specify which information is displayed in my nanolog
alias, I did not find any way to display tags. I looked at the pretty formats documentation, and likewise did not find a way to specify tag information.
In the stock git log
, you see tags next to the commit hash:
commit d1d59f2fe151d1eb240b453e6efe76e4dfe13a93 (tag: webhost_test_198, tag: webhost_live_114, origin/06-24, 06-24)
Merge: 13f7e5f89 143b58189
Author: Webhost <webhost@webhost.com>
Date: Fri Jun 21 20:25:24 2019 +0000
Merged int into master
It's fairly laborious and somewhat error-prone to scroll through the stock git log
, which does include tags information, along with all the other untagged commits. How can I get a brief log that shows only commits with tags?
Ideally I would like something like this:
2019-06-17 23:39:43 13f7e5f89 (tag: webhost_test_198, tag: webhost_live_114, origin/06-24, 06-24) "Merge branch 'live-config' into int" Webhost (3 weeks ago)
2019-06-03 23:24:20 32b6141dc (tag: webhost_test_197, tag: webhost_live_113,) "Merge branch 'live-config' into int" User Name (5 weeks ago)
Let's start from a simple --oneline
output on a mock repo and only last three commits
git log --oneline -3
4c37e97 fixed a bug in sub-feature F1
d9c4599 added sub-feature F1
06014cb changed part XYZ
Now if we add decorations (references pointing to commits, namely tags and branches) with the --decorate
flag :
git log --oneline --decorate -3
4c37e97 (HEAD -> feature/abc) fixed a bug in sub-feature F1
d9c4599 added sub-feature F1
06014cb (tag: release/1.22) changed part XYZ
And at this point you can also add the --simplify-by-decoration
flag to filter out commits not referenced by any tag/branch
git log --oneline --decorate --simplify-by-decoration -3
4c37e97 (HEAD -> feature/abc) fixed a bug in sub-feature F1
06014cb (tag: release/1.22) changed part XYZ
eec8aad (master) some older change
But in your case with a specific format, you have the %d
to this effect.
If we modify your nanolog
, which in my example outputs the following :
git nanolog -3
2019-07-08 19:19:46 4c37e97 "fixed a bug in sub-feature F1" Romain (69 seconds ago)
2019-07-08 19:19:11 d9c4599 "added sub-feature F1" Romain (2 minutes ago)
2019-07-08 19:18:26 06014cb "changed part XYZ" Romain (2 minutes ago)
into this one
nanolog2 = log --date-order --date=format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' --format='%C(yellow)%cd%Creset %h \"%d %s\" %Cred%cn %Cgreen(%cr)'
...we'll obtain
git nanolog2 -3
2019-07-08 19:19:46 4c37e97 " (HEAD -> feature/abc) fixed a bug in sub-feature F1" Romain (12 minutes ago)
2019-07-08 19:19:11 d9c4599 " added sub-feature F1" Romain (13 minutes ago)
2019-07-08 19:18:26 06014cb " (tag: release/1.22) changed part XYZ" Romain (14 minutes ago)
Finally, yes, you can pipe this to a grep "(tag:"
or maybe just grep tag
to filter out commits with only branches but no tags.