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Optimize minimize Inequality constraints incompatible with SLSQP

I'm trying to run some curve fitting by using Scipy's Optimize. I don't do this with polyfit because I want to ensure the curves are monotonic, given the relationship I have. So suppose I have the following relationship between sulphur and temperature:

sulphur = array([  71.,   82.,   50.,  113.,  153.,  177.,  394., 1239., 2070., 2662., 3516., 4000., 4954., 6314.])
temperature = array([ 70.,  90., 140., 165., 210., 235., 265., 330., 350., 390., 410., 435., 540., 580.])

And I want to find a curve to fit this relationship which is monotonically increasing.

I have found bits of code around, and this is what I have: I calculate the polynomial and use it in the objective function, and I constraint the first derivative to be positive for every point. I also use polyfit values as x0 in order to speed up operations:

x = sul
y = temperature
initial = list(reversed(np.polyfit(sul, temperature, 3)))
Nfeval = 1

def polynomial(p, x):
    return p[0]+p[1]*x+p[2]*x**2+p[3]*x**3

def constraint_1st_der(p, x):
    return p[1]+2*p[2]*x+3*p[3]*x**2

def objective(p, x):
    return ((polynomial(p, x) - y)**2).sum()

def f(p):
    return objective(p, x)

def callback(p):
    global Nfeval
    print(Nfeval, p, constraint_1st_der(p, x))
    Nfeval += 1

cons = {'type' : 'ineq', 'fun' : lambda p : constraint_1st_der(p, x)}

res = optimize.minimize(f, x0=np.array(initial), method='SLSQP', constraints=cons, callback = callback)

However, optimize always returns:

     fun: 4.0156824919527855e+23
     jac: array([0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 7.02561542e+17, 3.62183986e+20])
 message: 'Inequality constraints incompatible'
    nfev: 6
     nit: 1
    njev: 1
  status: 4
 success: False
       x: array([ -111.35802358,  1508.06894349, -2969.11149743,  2223.26354865])

I tried normalizing (say sul_norm = sul / max(sul) works), and by doing this the optimization goes on successfully, but I'd like to avoid doing that (I have to invert the function at one point, and then it can get messy with coming back to the original value). Also, it seems to me the relationship is pretty basic and the values between temperature and sulphur are not so extremely on a different scale. What could it be? Thanks!


  • You got various limiting issues here: First the solver choice, which highly affects what kind of optimization you can do (constrained, bounded, etc.). On top of that, in your case, you are interested in the parameters and dispose a predefined set (x, y), so you should process your data in a multi-dimensional fashion for computations related to (x,y). However, the constraints definition you used are to my knowledge suitable for one dimensional outputs. Therefore, as this SO-question suggests, the use of the gradient is a good idea.

    Unfortunately, when testing that on your case, the results were not convincing to me, despite error free code-runs. After tweaking your code a bit, I managed to find a decent workaround but I am not sure if is the best out there. My idea is to use the Nelder-Mead Solver and using an equality constraint make sure sure your derivatives vector is all positive. The code is the following:

    import numpy as np
    from scipy import optimize
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # init data
    sulphur     = np.array([ 71.,  82.,  50., 113., 153., 177., 394., 1239., 2070., 2662., 3516., 4000., 4954., 6314.])
    temperature = np.array([ 70.,  90., 140., 165., 210., 235., 265.,  330.,  350.,  390.,  410.,  435.,  540.,  580.])
    # init x and y
    x = sulphur
    y = temperature
    # compute initial guess
    initial = list(reversed(np.polyfit(x, y, 3)))
    Nfeval  = 1
    # define functions
    polynomial = lambda p, x: p[0] + p[1]*x +   p[2]*x**2 +   p[3]*x**3
    derivative = lambda p, x:        p[1]   + 2*p[2]*x    + 3*p[3]*x**2 
    def constraint(p):
        if (derivative(p, x) > 0).all() : return 0
        else                            : return -1
    def callback(p):
        global Nfeval
        print("Evaluations nbr: %3s | p: %5s |cons: %3s" % (Nfeval,
        Nfeval += 1
    func = lambda p: np.linalg.norm(y - polynomial(p, x))
    cons = {'type' : 'eq', 'fun' : constraint}
    res  = optimize.minimize(func, 
                             x0          = np.array(initial), 
                             method      ='Nelder-Mead', 
                             constraints = cons,
                             callback    = callback)
    # plot results
    f   = plt.figure(figsize=(10,4))
    ax1 = f.add_subplot(131)
    ax2 = f.add_subplot(132)
    ax3 = f.add_subplot(133)
    ax1.plot(x, y,'ro', label = 'data')
    ax1.plot(x, polynomial(res.x,   x), label = 'fit using optimization', color="orange")
    ax2.plot(x, derivative(res.x, x), label ='derivative')
    ax3.plot(x, y,'ro', label = 'data')
    ax3.plot(x, polynomial(initial, x), label = 'fit using polyfit', color="green")


    Evaluations nbr:  95 | p: [ 1.400e+02  1.830e-01 -4.203e-05  3.882e-09] |cons:   0
    Evaluations nbr:  96 | p: [ 1.400e+02  1.830e-01 -4.203e-05  3.882e-09] |cons:   0
    Evaluations nbr:  97 | p: [ 1.400e+02  1.830e-01 -4.203e-05  3.882e-09] |cons:   0
    Evaluations nbr:  98 | p: [ 1.400e+02  1.830e-01 -4.203e-05  3.882e-09] |cons:   0
     final_simplex: (array([[ 1.400e+02,  1.830e-01, -4.203e-05,  3.882e-09],
           [ 1.400e+02,  1.830e-01, -4.203e-05,  3.882e-09],
           [ 1.400e+02,  1.830e-01, -4.203e-05,  3.882e-09],
           [ 1.400e+02,  1.830e-01, -4.203e-05,  3.882e-09],
           [ 1.400e+02,  1.830e-01, -4.203e-05,  3.881e-09]]), array([159.565, 159.565, 159.565, 159.565, 159.565]))
               fun: 159.5654373399882
           message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
              nfev: 168
               nit: 99
            status: 0
           success: True
                 x: array([ 1.400e+02,  1.830e-01, -4.203e-05,  3.882e-09])


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