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Return Multiple Values from Oracle Function

I want to create a function that returns multiple rows into a table that is of object type.

I have created an object and a nested table object and now when I run the function there is an error which says

PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored PL/SQL: ORA-00947: not enough values

-- Object type creation
create or replace type test_object_sn as object
    column_1 varchar2(30),
    column_2 varchar2(30),
    column_3 number 

-- Table of object
create or replace type test_otable_sn as table of test_object_sn; 

-- function (where I get an error)
create or replace function load_test_object_sn
return test_otable_sn
    details test_otable_sn;
    with ad as (select 'a', 'b', 4   from dual
    union all 
    select 'r', '5', 3  from dual
    union all
    select 'g', 's', 3  from dual)
    select * into details from ad; 

    return details;

I want to have the test_otable_sn table object loaded with the data and then query it using the table() function via my load_test_object_sn function e.g. select * from table(load_test_object_sn);


  • Update:

    do you know how to modify this for scenario whereby I have an sql statement contained in a string variable to execute?

    Yes, we can use a cursor reference (SYS_REFCURSOR) and OPEN/FETCH/CLOSE instead of a CURSOR and CURSOR FOR LOOP.

    The syntax is OPEN <cursor-reference> FOR <string-containing-sql-statement> . See below.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION load_test_object_sn
    RETURN test_otable_sn
      details test_otable_sn := test_otable_sn();
      -- Variable stores SQL statement for cursor
      l_sql CLOB :=
        q'[with ad as (
             select 'a' column_1, 'b' column_2, 4 column_3 from dual union all
             select 'r', '5', 3  from dual union all 
             select 'g', 's', 3  from dual
           select *
             from ad]';
      -- Cursor reference allows us to open cursor for SQL statement above
      -- Define object instance to store each row fetched from the cursor
      l_obj test_object_sn := test_object_sn(NULL, NULL, NULL);
      i PLS_INTEGER := 1;
      -- Explicitly open, fetch from, and close the cursor
      OPEN rc FOR l_sql;
        FETCH rc INTO l_obj.column_1, l_obj.column_2, l_obj.column_3;
        details(i) := test_object_sn(l_obj.column_1, l_obj.column_2, l_obj.column_3);
        i := i + 1;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE rc;
      RETURN details;

    Original answer:

    Unfortunately, one can't use SELECT * INTO with a collection in this manner, so here's an alternative way to populate the table:

    create or replace function load_test_object_sn
    return test_otable_sn
        details test_otable_sn := test_otable_sn();
        cursor c_ad is
        with ad as (select 'a' column_1, 'b' column_2, 4 column_3   from dual
        union all 
        select 'r', '5', 3  from dual
        union all
        select 'g', 's', 3  from dual)
        select * from ad;
        i pls_integer := 1;
       for ad_rec in c_ad loop     
          details(i) := test_object_sn(ad_rec.column_1, ad_rec.column_2, ad_rec.column_3);
          i := i + 1;
       end loop;
        return details;


    SQL> SELECT * FROM TABLE(load_test_object_sn);
    COLUMN_1   COLUMN_2     COLUMN_3
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    a          b                   4
    r          5                   3
    g          s                   3