I am trying to mock a couple of function calls in a function so I can test their behaviour.
I have tried a couple of different approaches, shown in the code, but it should_be_mocked function never gets mocked. I use python3, PyCharm, the test framework is set to pytest
from unittest import mock, TestCase
from unittest.mock import patch
from path import should_be_mocked
from other_path import flow
def test_flow(monkeypatch):
def ret_val():
return should_be_mocked("hi")
monkeypatch.setattr('path', "should_be_mocked", ret_val())
assert flow() == "hi"
def test_flow2(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr('path.should_be_mocked', lambda x: "hi")
assert flow() == "hi"
def test_flow3(mocker):
mocker.return_value = "hello returned"
class TestStuff(TestCase):
def test_flow4(self, mocker):
mocker.return_value = "hello returned"
def should_be_mocked(hello):
return hello
def flow():
# business logic here
return should_be_mocked("hello")
All the tests fail and return the value from the real function. Where did I go wrong?
Added info.
Trying to change the path to other_path results in
E AttributeError: 'other_path' has no attribute 'should_be_mocked'
I am answering my own question here. Thanks to @hoefling I found out that the path was misstaken. But I could not get the first testcase running. The other ones worked after reworking them like this.
def test_flow2(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr('other_path', lambda x: "hi")
assert flow() == "hi"
def test_flow3(mocker):
class TestStuff(TestCase):
def test_flow4(self, mocker):
The first did not work, the second worked after changing the path. The 3rd and 4th needed the .test removed from the assert statement