I'm using Angular 7 with the NGRX store. I have an effect, which will retrieve me some data if it doesn't exist in the store. I'm using the filter
operator, but I always need to call an action, whether the data exists or not, at the end of the side effect. Here is my side effect (simplified):
getChartData$ = this.actions$
withLatestFrom(this.store.pipe(select(x => x.store))),
filter(((obj: [any, store]) => {
return this.dataExistsInStore()
map(obj => obj[0]),
mergeMap((action) => this.chartService.getChartData((action as any).payload)
map((chartData: ChartData) =>
({ type: GET_CHART_DATA_SUCCESS, payload: { tagId: (action as any).payload, chartData: chartData } })
catchError(() => of({ type: GET_CHART_DATA_FAILED }))
dataExistsInStore(): boolean
return x;
How can I call an action even after the filter, e.g. an action of type GET_CHART_DATA_COMPLETE
. I need to do this so I can hide the loading indicator.
If my understanding is correct, you would like to :
only if data is not existing in storeGET_CHART_DATA_COMPLETE
action in all the caseIf that is true. You could consider this approach: (sorry, may have typos)
getChartData$ = this.actions$.pipe(
mergeMap(([action, isDataExistingInStore]: [Action, boolean]) => {
if (!isDataExistingInStore) {
return this.chartService.getChartData(action.payload).pipe(
map((chartData: ChartData) =>
({ type: GET_CHART_DATA_SUCCESS, payload: { tagId: (action as any).payload, chartData: chartData } })
catchError(() => of({ type: GET_CHART_DATA_FAILED }))
} else {
return of({ type: GET_CHART_DATA_COMPLETE })
Here I'm considering, you have a selector
: isDataExistingInStore
, which return a boolean.
Bonus: May I suggest you to use ngrx
best practice to create actions:
new GetChartDataSuccess(payload)
or even better with action creators in version 8
myActions.getChartDataSuccess({ tagId: .... });