Given following grammar sensitive to newlines, how can i ignore comments beginning with spaces?
The pp.LineStart() + pp.Optional(pp.White(" \t")) + '#'
does not match lines beginning with spaces as one would expect.
import pyparsing as pp
pp.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
def Line(expr): return expr + pp.Suppress(pp.LineEnd())
foo = Line(pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(pp.Word(pp.alphas))))
parser = pp.OneOrMore(foo)
comment = '#' + pp.restOfLine()
parser.ignore(pp.LineStart() + pp.Optional(pp.White(" \t")) + pp.Optional(comment) + pp.LineEnd())
text = """
foo abc
# comment
bar # comment
results = parser.parseString(text, parseAll=True)
assert list(results[0]) == ['foo', 'abc']
text = """
foo abc
# comment
results = parser.parseString(text, parseAll=True)
print "ok"
Lines containing just a comment can leave a dangling LineEnd in the input. Change parser to:
parser = pp.OneOrMore(foo | pp.LineEnd().suppress())