I am creating a terraform config, basically a cluster of VM's or even single VM depending on roles. Having an issue when creating a storage account.
Terraform config for storage account creation is as below:
# Storage Account
resource "azurerm_storage_account" "tf-sa-grpprd-aos" {
# count = "${var.count_aos_vm}"
name = "${lower(var.aos_base_hostname)}${format("%02d,2")}${var.storage_account_suffix}01"
location = "${azurerm_resource_group.tf-rg-grpprd-application.location}"
resource_group_name = "${azurerm_resource_group.tf-rg-grpprd-application.name}"
account_tier = "${var.sto_acc_tier_std}"
account_replication_type = "${var.sto_acc_rep_type_lrs}"
Error reported is in Title, but it is as below
Error in function call
on aos.tf line 106, in resource "azurerm_storage_account" "tf-sa-grpprd-aos":
name = "${lower(var.aos_base_hostname)}${format("%02d,2")}${var.storage_account_suffix}01"
Call to function "format" failed: not enough arguments for "%02d" at 0: need
index 1 but have 0 total.
I refer to the terraform documentation as per below https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/functions/format.html
Probably I am not utilizing it the incorrect way? Appreciate if anyone can clarify what blunder I am doing...
Essentially, If I have 5 production app boxes then it should have only one storage account as below grpprodapp01..05 but will have storage account as one grpprodapp01
Even if I have one VM then also it should have only one storage account, so the no of VM's does not matter, it should only one storage account.
Maybe it's a little mistake you make. As the error shows, the function "format" should have one argument, but you give nothing. So if you just want to format the integer number 2 into 02, then you should make the change like below:
name = "${lower(var.aos_base_hostname)}${format("%02d", 2)}${var.storage_account_suffix}01"
It just corrects your wrong format. But as the description shows, you want the storage accounts name like grpprodapp01..05 with the count. And if the value of the variable var.aos_base_hostname
is grpprodapp
, then it should be like this:
name = "${lower(var.aos_base_hostname)}${format("%02d", count.index)}"
If you need any more helps, please let me know.