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C# type conversion Help

I have a Struct as follows,

struct Location
    public int Row;
    public int Column;

    public Location(int row, int column)
        this.Row = row;
        this.Column = column;

and i have a function as follows,

public List<Location> getNeighboringLocations(int row, int column)
    int[,] array = new int[rows, columns];
    int refx = row;
    int refy = column;

    //var neighbours = from x in Enumerable.Range(refx - 1, 3)
    //                 from y in Enumerable.Range(refy - 1, 3)
    //                 where x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < array.GetLength(0) && y < array.GetLength(1)
    //                 select new { x, y };
    var neighbours = from x in Enumerable.Range(0, array.GetLength(0)).Where(x => Math.Abs(x - refx) <= 1)
                 from y in Enumerable.Range(0, array.GetLength(1)).Where(y => Math.Abs(y - refy) <= 1)
                 select new { x, y };

    return neighbours.ToList();

I want the return type be the List of Locations how do i do it? Thanks in Advance


  • ...

    select new Location(x, y);