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Vendored Chaincode has false dependencies

I have chaincode with the following directory structure

├── mycc.go
├── chaincode
│   └── chaincode.go
└── vendor
    ├── ...

Because of my usage of hyperledgers cid package, I use vendoring and have the vendor directory next to the chaincode. Now for testablitiy, mycc.go only includes the main function:

package main

import (

func main() {
    err := shim.Start(new(chaincode.MyChaincode))
    if err != nil {

The chaincode.go implements the rest of the chaincode, including the MyChaincode struct with Init, Invoke, etc. The relevant imports are identical to the one in the mycc.go:


During the instantiation of the chaincode, something with the dependencies seems to be mixed up, because I receive the error message:

*chaincode.MyChaincode does not implement "chaincode/mycc/go/vendor/".Chaincode (wrong type for Init method)
    have Init("chaincode/mycc/go/vendor/myproject/chaincode/mycc/go/vendor/".ChaincodeStubInterface) "chaincode/approvalcc/go/vendor/ma/chaincode/approvalcc/go/vendor/".Response
    want Init("chaincode/mycc/go/vendor/".ChaincodeStubInterface) "chaincode/mycc/go/vendor/".Response

So clearly it seems that the import in the inner chaincode package is resolved wrongly with the vendor directory appearing twice in the path.


  • The fabric-ccenv container which builds chaincode attempts to be "helpful" but including shim in the GOPATH inside the container. It also ends up including the shim/ext/... folders as well but unfortunately does not actually properly include their transitive dependencies.

    When you combine this with how the chaincode install/package commands also attempt to be helpful and your attempt to vendor, things got ugly.

    I actually just pushed a fix targeted for 1.4.2 to address the fabric-ccenv issue.