I'm using a maze generator code for python from the link here(can also be seen below): https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Maze_generation
I'm trying to increase the width of the corridors of the maze as I'm converting the maze to a height map. However, the corridors are too tight to fit my character in the maze.
I've tried to change some of the settings of the code below, but was unable to get the desired outcome without making the maze behave weirdly.
def make_maze(w = 16, h = 8):
vis = [[0] * w + [1] for _ in range(h)] + [[1] * (w + 1)]
ver = [["| "] * w + ['|'] for _ in range(h)] + [[]]
hor = [["+--"] * w + ['+'] for _ in range(h + 1)]
def walk(x, y):
vis[y][x] = 1
d = [(x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1)]
for (xx, yy) in d:
if vis[yy][xx]: continue
if xx == x: hor[max(y, yy)][x] = "+ "
if yy == y: ver[y][max(x, xx)] = " "
walk(xx, yy)
walk(randrange(w), randrange(h))
s = ""
for (a, b) in zip(hor, ver):
s += ''.join(a + ['\n'] + b + ['\n'])
return s
The code provided is hardcoded; in addition the maze representation in memory, is mixed with the maze generation, and the maze visual output, making it rather inflexible and difficult to modify. There is also little possibility to use this maze with a search algorithm.
This maze is also missing its entry and exit points.
Nevertheless, I added several parameters that allow some measure of scaling of the maze corridors, both horizontally, and vertically.
Going further will require refactoring the generator to separate the generation, from the representation in memory, from its graphical output, and allow for a representation of the variouth paths through the maze.
import random
def make_maze(w = 16, h = 8, scale=0):
h0, h1, h2, h3 = "+--", "+ ", "| ", " "
h0 += scale * '----'
h1 += scale * ' '
h2 += scale * ' '
h3 += scale * ' '
vis = [[0] * w + [1] for _ in range(h)] + [[1] * (w + 1)]
ver = [[h2] * w + ['|'] for _ in range(h)] + [[]]
hor = [[h0] * w + ['+'] for _ in range(h + 1)]
def walk(x, y):
vis[y][x] = 1
d = [(x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x + 1, y), (x, y - 1)]
for (xx, yy) in d:
if vis[yy][xx]: continue
if xx == x: hor[max(y, yy)][x] = h1
if yy == y: ver[y][max(x, xx)] = h3
walk(xx, yy)
walk(random.randrange(w), random.randrange(h))
s = ""
for (a, b) in zip(hor, ver):
s += ''.join(a + ['\n'] + b + ['\n'])
for _ in range(scale):
s += ''.join(b + ['\n'])
return s
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