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Pandas not working with linear regression

I am trying to run a regression some data from a dataframe, but I keep getting this weird shape error. Any idea what is wrong?

import pandas as pd
import io
import requests
import statsmodels.api as sm

# Read in a dataset 

# Select feature columns 
X = df[['Body', 'Clean.Cup']]

# Select dv column
y = df['Cupper.Points']

# make model
mod = sm.OLS(X, y).fit()

I get this error: shapes (1311,2) and (1311,2) not aligned: 2 (dim 1) != 1311 (dim 0)


  • You have your X and y terms in the wrong order in your sm.OLS command:

    import pandas as pd
    import io
    import requests
    import statsmodels.api as sm
    # Read in a dataset 
    # Select feature columns 
    X = df[['Body', 'Clean.Cup']]
    # Select dv column
    y = df['Cupper.Points']
    # make model
    mod = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()

    runs and returns

    <class 'statsmodels.iolib.summary.Summary'>
                                OLS Regression Results                            
    Dep. Variable:          Cupper.Points   R-squared:                       0.998
    Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.998
    Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                 3.145e+05
    Date:                Sat, 06 Jul 2019   Prob (F-statistic):               0.00
    Time:                        19:42:59   Log-Likelihood:                -454.94
    No. Observations:                1311   AIC:                             913.9
    Df Residuals:                    1309   BIC:                             924.2
    Df Model:                           2                                         
    Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                     coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
    Body           0.8464      0.016     53.188      0.000       0.815       0.878
    Clean.Cup      0.1154      0.012      9.502      0.000       0.092       0.139
    Omnibus:                      537.879   Durbin-Watson:                   1.710
    Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):            30220.027
    Skew:                           1.094   Prob(JB):                         0.00
    Kurtosis:                      26.419   Cond. No.                         26.2
    [1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.