I have the following code, that i'm trying to use to fetch data from an API endpoint using the NyTimes/Store library to cache it
I'm using DI to load my dependencies as follows
val appModule = module(override = true) {
single<MyAppDatabase> {
Room.databaseBuilder(androidApplication(), MyAppDatabase::class.java, "MJiraniRoomDB")
factory<BlogDao> { get<MyAppDatabase>().blogDao() }
factory<BlogLocalService> { BlogLocalService(get()) }
factory<BlogRemoteService> { BlogRemoteService(get()) }
factory<BlogStore> { BlogStore(get(), get()) }
The service where i use the Store library with RoomStore is here
package com.example.myapplication.service.BlogService
import com.example.myapplication.model.Blog
import com.nytimes.android.external.store3.base.Fetcher
import com.nytimes.android.external.store3.base.impl.BarCode
import com.nytimes.android.external.store3.base.impl.MemoryPolicy
import com.nytimes.android.external.store3.base.impl.StalePolicy
import com.nytimes.android.external.store3.base.impl.room.StoreRoom
import com.nytimes.android.external.store3.base.room.RoomPersister
import io.reactivex.Observable
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
class BlogStore(val blogRemoteService: BlogRemoteService, val blogLocalService: BlogLocalService) {
var fetcher = Fetcher<List<Blog>, BarCode> {
val persister = object : RoomPersister<List<Blog>, List<Blog>, BarCode> {
override fun read(barCode: BarCode): Observable<List<Blog>> {
return blogLocalService.fetchAll().toObservable()
override fun write(barCode: BarCode, blogList: List<Blog>) {
var memoryPolicy: MemoryPolicy = MemoryPolicy
var store = StoreRoom.from(fetcher, persister, StalePolicy.REFRESH_ON_STALE, memoryPolicy)
fun getBlogs(): Observable<List<Blog>> {
return store.fetch(BarCode.empty())
I pull the data to my Recyclerview as follows
class RemotePostsFragment : Fragment() {
val scopeProvider by lazy { AndroidLifecycleScopeProvider.from(this) }
val myBlogStore: BlogStore by inject()
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
var mRecyclerview = view.findViewById<RecyclerView>(R.id.myRemoteViewRecycler)
var theAdapter = MyAdapter()
.subscribe({ bloglist ->
theAdapter.blogItems = bloglist
}, {
Log.e("RemotePostFragment", "failed got message ${it.message}")
mRecyclerview.adapter = theAdapter
mRecyclerview.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this.context)
The problem is that i only load the data from the android room db but its never fetched from the server. When i do the raw query from the server that's used from the fetcher, i'm able to get a List of Blogs. But when i use it in the Fetcher, i'm not able to automatically sync.
My blogRemoteService returns a Single> correctly when tested on its own. What could i be doing wrong?
I found out the solution to my problem, in my RoomPersister in the write method i was passing blogLocalService.addBlogs(blogList) which returns a Single<List<Blog>>
which I forgot to subscribe to. This is what i had previously
val persister = object : RoomPersister<List<Blog>, List<Blog>, BarCode> {
override fun read(barCode: BarCode): Observable<List<Blog>> {
return blogLocalService.fetchAll().toObservable()
override fun write(barCode: BarCode, blogList: List<Blog>) {
I wrongly assumed that the Singe>> method would somehow automatically get subscribbed to. This was my final code that worked
val persister = object : RoomPersister<List<Blog>, List<Blog>, BarCode> {
override fun read(barCode: BarCode): Observable<List<Blog>> {
return blogLocalService.fetchAll().toObservable()
override fun write(barCode: BarCode, blogList: List<Blog>) {
Log.d("BlogLocalService","successful write to db")
Log.d("BlogLocalService","failed to write to db with error: ${it.message}")