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Why views is not identified when including it in an .ejs file?

This is my folder structure

Folder Structure

I have included my header.ejs and footer.ejs file like this:
<% include views/partials/header %> and <% include views/partials/footer %>

but its showing me the following error:
Error: Could not find the include file "views/partials/header"

but when I write

<% include partials/header %> and <% include partials/footer %>

Its finding the file and everything works fine.

Also: <% include /partials/header %> is not working

What is the issue here and why?

Kindly share any link/resource or any new concept regarding do this that needs to be understand :)


  • In your app.js you might have this

    app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
    app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

    So these lines set your view engine to ejs and also set your apps view folder to something like


    Now your app knows which is the views folder or from where to render views

    So in any for your views files, you can directly use

    <% include partials/header %> and <% include partials/footer %>

    no need for /views/partials/footer or if you add this Node.js looks for


    And this is why you get the error

    Error: Could not find the include file "views/partials/header"

    And in the second case <% include /partials/header %> because of / it looks inside the root folder.