"Hello World!"
Basically I'm doing a mapping of a location with my Pepper Robot. However, to prove this, I always need it to analyze the space it is in. The problem is that I can not go to the place for him to do it.
What I did was an image that is in .bmp and I want to move on to what it can read .explo. Unfortunately I can not do this, but just the opposite. I share here the inverse code I want to do:
def main(session):
This example uses the explore method.
# Get the services ALNavigation and ALMotion.
navigation_service = session.service("ALNavigation")
#motion_service = session.service("ALMotion")
# Wake up robot
# motion_service.wakeUp()
# name of this map
name_map = "2019-03-25T213532.632Z.explo"
# load the map
navigation_service.loadExploration("/home/nao/.local/share/Explorer/" + name_map)
# name of the image
name_image = name_map + ".bmp"
# Retrieve and display the map built by the robot
loaded_map = navigation_service.getMetricalMap()
map_width = loaded_map[1]
map_height = loaded_map[2]
img = numpy.array(loaded_map[4]).reshape(map_width, map_height)
img = (100 - img) * 2.55 # from 0..100 to 255..0
img = numpy.array(img, numpy.uint8)
output_image = Image.frombuffer('L', (map_width, map_height), img, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)
output_image.save(name_image, format=None)
Anyone have any advice or anything you can share to help me?
Thanks in advance
It's not possible to turn an image into an exploration map (at least, not without some serious revererse-engineering of the format in a way that may not work in future versions), because the actual .explo map encodes more information than just the top-down view of walls. Depending of the version, there can be some 3D information etc.