I am testing an app that uses Bluetooth, I have a python function that connects it to a server and displays some strings. I want to store that strings in variable and compare it with it other strings.
I have stored the results in the result variable but can use it compare the strings
*** Settings ***
Library AppiumLibrary run_on_failure=Capture Page Screenshot
Library String
Library bt.py
*** Variable ***
${platform_name}= android
${platformVersion}= 9
${deviceName}= b6722e70
${app}= /home/user/Downloads/pre-prod.apk
*** Test Cases ***
[Documentation] Test Case to Login
Open Application ${appium_1}
platformName=${platform_name} deviceName=${deviceName}
Capture Page Screenshot
Click Element id=com.vendekin:id/intro_btn_skip
Sleep 4
Wait Until Element Is Visible id=com.vendekin:id/phone
input text id=com.vendekin:id/phone
Click Element id=com.vendekin:id/login
Sleep 5
Wait Until Element Is Visible id=com.vendekin:id/otp
Click Element id=com.vendekin:id/otp
sleep 15
Wait Until Element Is Visible id=com.vendekin:id/login
Click Element id=com.vendekin:id/login
Sleep 6
Input Text id=com.vendekin:id/promocode 010331
sleep 2
click element id=com.vendekin:id/add
${result}= connect 29476601-52BE-11CB-8642-D50A896F8D2A
log ${result}
capture page screenshot
quit application
I expected that the output of the function would be stored in the result as a string to compare but it shows "None"
For a variable to get the return value of a function, that function must return it in the first place. Getting a None
means your function doesn't (or returns a literal None
So connect
must be something like this:
def connect(data):
output = does_its_magic(data)
return output