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laravel nova hide edit button on index page

How to disable edit/delete button on nova index page and still allow in detail page, if I will create a policy, that will disable the operation everywhere, I want to allow edit and delete in detail page, but just want to remove those button from index,

is doing something like

 public function update(User $user, Customer $customer)
        if ( request()->route()->getName('route-name') ) {
            return false;

is correct way or there is any better way?


  • If you want to disable any row button on index page, create a policy for the resource and return false on the respective function in my case update(),

    all others return true and add the policy on AuthServiceProvider.php add

    protected $policies = [
        Post::class => PostPolicy::class,

    and in Resource class

    public static function authorizable()
        return true;

    that will disable that button.