i have a common problem to test Post-Request with Bean Validation.
Model under test:
public class Message extends Auditable{
private long id;
private String messageText;
private Link link;
How it works on browser properly: I'am just submit data. On Browser Dev-Tools, i see, that browser sends only to fields: messageText="my message" and link="1"
problem: during MockMVC Post-Request, i can not convert param-value "1" to the object Link.
.param("link", "1")
.param("messageText", "hello message"))
My post-handler on controller
@PostMapping(value = "/link/message")
public String saveNewComment(@Valid Message message, BindingResult bindingResult, RedirectAttributes attributes) {
if(bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
model.addAttribute("newMessage", message);
return "link/submit";
BindingResult complains about TypeMismatch from "String" to "Link".
How can i pass some Marschal- or Converter-Object, which enables BindingResult to convert string-value to appropriate object?
I don't want to implement on server-side own validator-object (which implements validator interface), cause on production it works properly without any additional code.
I've solved this issue by myself with small fix. Nested objects should parameterize with explizit field-name. Instead of param("link", "1") it must be param("link.id", "1")