I have several Db2 databases that I want to automatically activate after a system reboot. Restarting the Db2 service after a reboot is not a problem, but activating the databases requires access to the instance profile.
Service start/stop is crontrolled by system / systemctl. Including some user-controlled setup scripts into those scripts doesn't seem like a good idea. I briefly looked into enable-linger for the Db2 instance user or to use EnvironmentFile to set up the instance profile.
How do you activate all or a set of databases after reboot? Do you use user/group/EnvironmentFile with systemd? Do you enable linger or do you have any other method?
Here is a simple script which must be run from the Db2 instance owner.
It assumes, that Db2 instance is auto started. If it's not the case, just comment out db2gcf -s
and uncomment db2gcf -u
The script waits for the instance startup a configured number of seconds, and activates all local databases found in the Db2 instance system directory.
The script may be scheduled to run at the OS startup via Db2 instance owner's crontab entry as shown.
Log file (see the ${LOG} variable) with commands history is created in the Db2 instance owner's home directory.
# Function: Activates all local DB2 databases
# Crontab entry:
# @reboot /home/scripts/db2activate.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
export LC_ALL=C
if [ ! -x ~/sqllib/db2profile ]; then
echo "Must be run by a DB2 instance onwer" >&2
exit 1
[ -z ${DB2INSTANCE} ] && . ~/sqllib/db2profile
if [ "${VERBOSE}" != "verbose" ]; then
LOG=~/.$(basename $0).log
exec 1>>${LOG}
exec 2>>${LOG}
set -x
printf "\n*** %s ***\n" $(date +"%F-%H.%M.%S")
# Wait for the instance startup
# (or even start it with 'db2gcf -u' instead of checking status: 'db2gcf -s')
while [ $((SECONDS-TIME1)) -le ${TIMEOUT} ]; do
db2gcf -s
# db2gcf -u
[ ${rc} -eq 0 ] && break
sleep 5
if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Instance startup timeout of ${TIMEOUT} sec reached" >&2
exit 2
for dbname in $(db2 list db directory | awk -v RS='' '/= Indirect/' | grep '^ Database alias' | sort -u | cut -d'=' -f2); do
db2 activate db ${dbname}